Our trailer

Our trailer

Monday, August 31, 2015

People are disgusting.

We went out last week again. Got delayed and left on a Saturday. We thought we got lucky when one of the prime spots was open, well until we got to see the state of the site.

It was trashed out. The fire pit had been used as a garbage can with diapers, cans, bottles and paper. So bad that someone had built a second pit next to it and left a wad of paper in it too. There is of course the normal piece of live tree that someone tried to burn even though there is wood dry and down everywhere.

On the other end of the site it looked like either the paper had blown out of the pit or someone had just been tossing it any where as they used it.

Not far from that there was a easy up frame that had busted so they took the cover and left it there.

I kinda got the feeling the site was vacant due to the mess instead of getting lucky and catching someone pulling out early to avoid the Sunday traffic. We came this close to finding another spot but decided to stay as it only took a short time to clean it up. We took out a grocery bag each of trsh, cans and recyclables. I didn't have the room to take the easy up but I took it down to its parts so that someone would hopefully haul it out.

Normally I would have dug out the pit that was full to the brim with charcoal and half burnt logs but the site is really windy and in my opinion should not have a pit at all. We used our propane pit this trip and didn't miss hauling and cutting the wood, messing with the fire or the smoke.

 So while I find the people that left the mess disgusting and I wouldn't blame someone for not wanting to clean it up, I simply couldn't be there and look at it for five days.

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