Welcome to the Solar boondocker blog. My name is Jim and the other half ( Honey) and I enjoy getting out to the back roads of the Rockies for camping in our 25 ft travel trailer. We have had the trailer since 2011 but have been camping together for nearly three decades. We have used a van, tents and canned ham trailer before this and have always tried to make it as comfortable as possible.
Why Boondocking? Because we love the silence and isolation of being deep in the mountains where we see and hear no one or them us. Where we camp takes a bit of 4x4 at times, it keeps the wannabes away.
In this blog I hope to speak of our solar system, what it does for us and why I designed it like I did. Solar cooking and the ways we do it and just boondocking in general. Add in some photography and RC airplanes, maybe some fishing here and there.
I can't say I am the end all in knowledge as our situation is unique in some ways. We camp between 9000 and 10,000 ft and that effects a lot of things, so I will let you know when those differences are there so it is understood. Things like it takes a bigger generator than you think, water boils at a lower temp and it's always cold at night are a few examples
Also credit should go to the people on RV.net, CLRV.com and other forums that have shared their knowledge and time to help others. I have learned a great deal from them and am grateful.
This is our 2011 Gulfstream Ameri-lite 25bh, the 03 Expedition I use to pull it and the 750w solar system in a flat as it will be mounted test. It took around 45 minutes to go the last four miles to this site. It was worth it.
One last thing. Thank you to Bob at CLRV for inspiring me to do this.
You're off to a great start! Looking forward to more!
Thank you Bob. I appreciate your support. I will say it is different writing here than on the forum.